The Estate
History of the House
A striking meeting of late Victorian and Georgian architecture, Auchencairn House was originally called Nutwood, and was the main farmhouse to Nutwood Estate, which spanned a large area locally around Auchencairn. There is a recording of the house in 1848 in the Ordnance Survey Name book (OS1/20/156/33), as being:
‘A neat mansion house of the modern style of Architecture and out offices adjacent all slated and in good repair with a pleasantly ornamented garden and small demesne.’
A slightly later snippet from 1882 records the house as being in the ownership of J G Mackie Esq, and describes it as:
‘A good red freestone mansion, with tasteful grounds and a fine collection of Modern British paintings.’
It was Mr Mackie who added on the larger section of the house, and the difference in architectural style can clearly be seen.
The House and farm were purchased by Group Captain George Gilroy, Piets father, in the early sixties, and it has remained in the family since then. Piet and his wife Sue brought up their three daughters in the main house, and still live there with four dogs and a constant flow of friends and family who are happy to avail themselves of the renowned hospitality.