If approaching Auchencairn from the North by car, take the M74 until the junction for Moffat. Follow the A701 signed towards Dumfries. On reaching Dumfries follow the A75 which bypasses the town, this will be signed to Stranraer. Continue along the A75 until you reach Castle Douglas, turn off the A75 at this roundabout and go into Castle Douglas. Follow signs for Auchencairn on the A711. On reaching Auchencairn take the left hand turn signed to the Balcony Bay Hotel and follow the road along the shore for two miles until you come to a white gate and grey tower gate lodge. Go up the drive and Auchencairn House is at the top.
If you are coming from the South by car leave the M6 at the turn off to Dumfries and Galloway and the A75. Continue on the A75 to Dumfries and then follow the same directions as above.
Nearest train stations are Dumfries and Lockerbie, and nearest airports are Glasgow, Edinburgh and Newcastle, which are all approximately 2.5 hours away.